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Post-Holiday Detoxes Are A Waste Of Time
Why you should ignore the nonsense of detoxing
It’s that time of the year again. The festive season is wrapping up, and the delicious excesses of Christmas are nothing but a fond memory. And even though it was a joyous time — filled with presents and far, far too much food — it’s over now and people everywhere are settling down to the painful realization that eating twelve months worth of food in a single afternoon has its downsides.
Whether it’s a few extra centimeters around the waist, or the vague sense of malaise brought about by a few too many egg nogs, you are probably feeling that now is the perfect time to do something for your health.
I’m talking, of course, about going on a detox.
Now, detox is a loosely defined term, but the basic idea is that you’ve ingested a variety of toxins — nasty ‘chemicals’ — that are causing you harm. You might’ve gotten these into your system by overdoing it on the booze, by eating too much gluten, or by breathing in the general vicinity of GMO corn.