New Year’s Resolutions Are A Waste Of Time

Changing your life is harder than a drunken promise

Gideon M-K; Health Nerd
6 min readDec 19, 2017
Pictured: Advice

New Year’s resolutions are the election promises of everyday life. You say the words, make the commitment, swear on everything you hold dear that you’ll fix those potholes, but when push comes to shove it’s a decade on and the cars are still bouncing and rolling over a broken road.

Resolutions are the same. You swear that you’ll never touch another chocolate, but two months later you’re guiltily staring at an empty box of fondants wondering where your self control went.

Pictured: Self-control. There’s half a box left!

Why are resolutions so hard?

What can you do to actually effect changes in your life?

Where is the second box of chocolates you got for Christmas that you thought you hid behind the pasta in the pantry because no one ever makes pasta except you?*

All good questions. Let’s start off with why resolutions always fail.

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