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Lemon Water Is A Total Waste Of Time

If you want to improve your health, just drink water

Gideon M-K; Health Nerd
5 min readApr 24, 2018
Pictured: Tasty. Worthless for your health

One of the first things you’ll see if you go on any ‘wellness blog’ on the internet is that they are all crazy about one thing: lemon water. Sometimes it’s with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper added, occasionally it’s lemon/lime for added tartness, and every once in a while you’ll see some mint or stevia thrown in for good measure. But it always comes down to a simple recipe: warm water with a bit of lemon juice, downed at least once a day with a cheerful smile.

And apparently, this juice works wonders on the body.

9 million results and not a word of science among them

The benefits claimed for this ‘simple wellness trick’ are truly astonishing. Here is a short list from my 10 minutes of Googling:

  1. Aids digestion
  2. Detoxifies body
  3. Heals the body
  4. Rejuvenates skin
  5. Causes weight loss
  6. Improves mood
  7. Increases energy
  8. Balances Ph in the body/Alkalizes body
  9. Reduces inflammation



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